Professional services

Capitalize on Technology to Future-Proof Your Business Against the Next Wave of Disruption

Brimit helps professional services companies remain competitive and efficient

Why a professional service company needs to evolve

As a business or technology leader seeking ways to future-proof your practice, you are likely to face the following challenges:

I need to get new business processes running quickly

Many new business processes have appeared recently, and I need the right software to handle them.

My practice needs to be scalable

My company is growing, the industry is changing, and the software I use needs to keep up.

My employees need to focus on a single digital platform

My firm uses multiple software solutions for different tasks, such as payroll, tax preparation, and auditing. I would like to equip my employees with one system instead of several to minimize errors and improve efficiency.

I need a solution that facilitates client collaboration

My clients want an easy way to collaborate with my employees.

I need to secure the data we receive and process

Professional services companies deal with sensitive information, so data security is a major concern.

I want an easy way to make sure we are compliant

The process of following up with regulatory requirements needs to be less challenging and resource-intensive.


How a professional services company can remain competitive and efficient


Application innovation

Brimit will help you meet the growing demand, enter new markets, and equip your team with the software they need to do their job quickly and accurately.

  • Upscale company resources
  • Leverage company data
  • Streamline core business processes
  • Increase team efficiency
  • Digitize HR procedures
  • Improve security and reliability

Modernize applications

Modernize legacy applications that are essential for core business processes and move them to the cloud. Take full advantage of the cloud to adapt, grow, and embrace new processes, insights, and business models.​

Low-code and no-code applications​

Low-code and no-code applications can automate job scheduling, production tracking, and quality checks, reducing manual intervention and increasing accuracy.

Optimize HR workflows, streamline onboarding procedures, and provide agile employee self-service.

Data and AI

Brimit transforms your data into a strategic asset to help you beat the competition.

  • Informed decision-making
  • Enhanced customer insights
  • Operational efficiency
  • Competitive advantage
  • Innovation and product development

Data management

Eliminate data silos by implementing a centralized data platform. Ensure seamless data flow between systems in your company's software suite.

Data analytics

Transform raw data into actionable insights.

  • Gain a clear understanding of historical data to uncover trends and patterns.
  • Access up-to-the-minute data insights to respond swiftly to changing conditions.

Data science powered by AI

Unlock the full potential of your data with comprehensive data science solutions.

  • Apply predictive analytics to model future outcomes.
  • Enable prescriptive analytics to optimize decision-making.

Process automation

Brimit helps you reap numerous benefits from process automation, from enhanced accuracy to improved compliance.

  • Streamline routine tasks
  • Enhance accuracy
  • Improve efficiency
  • Ensure compliance
  • Allow employees to focus on more important activities

Robotic process automation​

Automate repetitive, rule-based tasks that are time-consuming and prone to errors when performed manually.

Software integration

Streamline business operations by integrating vital software suites into both legacy and modern systems.

Digital resources for customers and partners​

Brimit helps you enable customer self-service, allowing for smart allocation of company resources.

  • Get a single digital sales channel
  • Switch from offline to online communication
  • Personalize the user experience
  • Get a single database for client data


Digitize communication channels, consolidate multiple file stores, and stop communicating via email.


Store client information in a single database.


Enable customer self-service, allowing for smart allocation of company resources.

Why choose Brimit

Consult an expert

Andrei Zhurauski Brimit
Andrei Zhurauski
Solution Architect

Future-proof your professional services business against the next wave of disruption

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