
Modernize Manufacturing by Capitalizing on Technology, Data, and Innovation

Brimit helps manufacturing companies innovate and evolve

Why evolve now?

To win increasing competition

Bring new products to the market faster. Introduce flexible pricing, discount, and packaging models. Improve margin and predict revenue.

To withstand negative geopolitical factors

Make the supply chain visible, agile, and resistant to disruptions.

To ensure production continues uninterrupted

Avoid frequent shutdowns and lengthy maintenance procedures, which decrease profits.

To meet sustainability requirements and expectations

Make it easy to track and analyze data related to resource consumption.

To retain the best talent and help them do their job

Upscale company resources and improve the day-to-day employee experience.

To meet customer expectations

Deliver an e-commerce-like, personalized, omnichannel ordering experience.

To manage stock efficiently

Optimize stock levels, reduce excess inventory, and prevent stockouts.


Data and AI

Brimit transforms your data into a strategic asset to help you beat the competition.

  • Informed decision-making
  • Enhanced customer insights
  • Operational efficiency
  • Competitive advantage
  • Innovation and product development

Data management

Eliminate data silos by implementing a centralized data platform. Ensure seamless data flow between systems in the company's software suite.

Data analytics

Transform raw data into actionable insights.

  • Gain a clear understanding of historical data to uncover trends and patterns.
  • Access up-to-the-minute data insights to respond swiftly to changing conditions.

Data science powered by AI

Unlock the full potential of your data with comprehensive data science solutions.

  • Apply predictive analytics to model future outcomes.
  • Enable prescriptive analytics to optimize decision-making.
  • Use computer vision to enhance quality control and improve security and operational efficiency.

Application innovation

Brimit will help you meet the growing demand, enter new markets, and equip your team with comprehensive software.

  • Upscale company resources
  • Leverage company data
  • Streamline core business processes
  • Increase team efficiency
  • Digitize HR procedures
  • Improve security and reliability

Modernize applications

Modernize legacy applications that are essential for core business processes and move them to the cloud. Take full advantage of the cloud to adopt, grow, and embrace new processes, insights, and business models.

Low-code and no-code applications​

Low-code and no-code applications can automate job scheduling, production tracking, and quality checks, reducing manual intervention and increasing accuracy.

Optimize HR workflows, streamline onboarding procedures, and provide agile employee self-service.

The Internet of Things​

Brimit's IoT solutions help you enhance production efficiency while improving safety and reducing unscheduled maintenance.

  • Integrate OT with IT systems
  • Apply predictive maintenance
  • Enhance operational efficiency
  • Improve product quality
  • Reduce costs
  • Rely on data when making decisions
  • Enhance safety and reliability

Distributed Control System (DCS)​

Brimit’s DCS helps businesses increase the cost-effectiveness and reliability of industrial processes and make them safer.​


The DCS consists of the following modules:

  • Control modules for managing how the system works
  • Extension modules that can be connected to different machines and devices
  • Sensors for detecting changes in the environment
  • Software for programming the DCS remotely or on site


The system is designed and set up by hardware and software engineers who are experts in electronics hardware design, back-end services and data management, and end user interface development.

Digital resources for customers and partners​

Brimit helps you enable customer self-service, allowing clients to optimize the allocation of company resources.

  • Get a single digital sales channel
  • Switch from offline to online communication
  • Personalize the user experience
  • Get a single database for product data


Digitize offline sales channels, consolidate multiple ordering channels into one, eliminate file-based product and price sheets, and stop communicating via email.


Store product and order information in a single database.


Enable customer self-service, allowing for smart allocation of company resources.

Track orders and preferences to give customers an easy way to order and reorder.

Why choose Brimit

Consult an expert

Alex Van Unnik
Alex Van Unnik
Advisor Manufacturing

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