What Is a Content Management System?
What are some examples of content management systems?
WordPress is a fine example of a CMS. Millions of websites worldwide run on WordPress. It is an open-source website-creation platform that runs on Apache, MySQL, and PHP (Amp). The CMS has been in development since 2003 and comes with a GPLv2 license. It is an “all-in-one package” for people who want to set up their website without any knowledge of coding whatsoever. With responsive themes and multi-language content creation, the popular CMS comes with several outstanding features such as built-in SEO tools and detailed analytics.
Sitecore is another example of an effective CMS. Introduced in 2001, it is proprietary or commercial CMS software that helps its users manage, test, personalize, and optimize content for target users. The CMS integrates a robust desktop interface controlled by a role-based system and features multiple applications like editing content, user management, campaign monitoring, etc. Big names such as Nestlé and Toshiba use Sitecore as their core CMS.